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31 March 2012

Blue blood/brown breeks

The Earl of Oxford’s fart has made a come-back. For some unaccountable reason, my post about it (2 March, referring to 28 February) has suddenly started showing many more hits on the Google statistical analysis. Usually, posts attract interest for several days and then they die down, which is natural. This one was widely read at the time it was posted, but then numbers declined in the normal way. Suddenly, about a week ago, they started picking up again, dramatically. This is very unusual. To use a colloquial phrase which might be new to some Russians, it seems that his Lordship’s fart “has legs”.
     First it overwhelmed Putin whose long weekend started drifting back down the field. Pressing on, it galloped past “Good Bonk” and Karl Lagerfeld as if they were trotting. By last Wednesday it was level-pegging with David Cameron’s “supper in the kitchen” and Prince Charles’s television habits. Other strong runners which had shown early form, like “liberating the smiler” and “the perils of waffle”, were blown away by the noble fart, which went on to make short work of both Boris Akunin and Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who collapsed gasping for breath in the outfield. Taking no prisoners, the famous Elizabethan faux pas thundered on past “have a lightbulb” and “Irish weekend” before setting off in pursuit of the leader, Papa’s Dog Style. Though on Friday, his Lordship appeared to fade, I see this morning, looking at the stats, that he got a second wind overnight and eased past Papa’s Dog Style into what is now a commanding lead.
     Hats off to the noble Earl: his fart is top of the heap, and his colours flutter high in the fresh breeze. But what might the reason be for this unexpected come-back? Readers with ideas are welcome to comment.

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