proof-reading a report today, I made a comment about the following sentence
which concerned a man who was until recently the Minister of Energy in Armenia, and who I will call “X”:
“In the winter of 2013, the media reported that X might be dismissed soon and appointed ambassador to Iran.”
My editing
comment concerned the use of the word “dismissed”. To me, it carries the
implication of disfavour and demotion, whereas an appointment as ambassador to
a major country like Iran is a promotion. I said, “Surely you are not
‘dismissed’ from one post to a more important one, like senior ambassador?”
“But it’s
less profitable,” the charming Russia author of the report I was correcting
said, as quick as a flash and in a tone of voice which implied that
I was rather dense.
That was me
Yes, this is the old concept of 'honorary exile' - what looks like a promotion superficially, yet is in fact a kind of punishment.