What this blog is for and about

I also offer personally-tailored, individualized English conversation practice (including etiquette) and coaching in writing techniques. Finally, I edit texts such as magazines, business proposals, memorandums, emails so they are presented in English which does not embarrass you or your organization. For further details, please mail me at: language.etiquette@gmail.com

Remember: all pictures can be expanded to full page size by clicking on them.


15 April 2018

Useful tips about the "нуансы" of English - number 23

Read this carefully. It is correct, well=-expressed and important if you want to sound natural speaking English:

05 April 2018

BBC language mistakes No. 37

This headline implies that North Korean missiles travel about about 200 miles a day, which is about
the speed of the Cutty Sark, a tea-clipper from the 1870s (before steam-ships speeded things up).

If you assume "months" is 2 months (it cannot be less if it is plural), and that North Korea is about 12,000 miles from Britain, then by simple arithmetic, you will get 200 miles a day. That is about 18 miles an hour.

I've heard of "slow food", "slow living" and "slow communities". But not of "slow missiles" before. Another first for Kim Who-Un.

04 April 2018

Book reviews - latest RECOMMENDATIONS !

Justice Factory: click here for link to Amazon
I have not been posting much recently as I have been too busy working on my books, Russia and the Rule of Law and The Justice Factory (see right - subtitle: "Show me the Judge and I'll Tell you the Law").

The first is still not quite complete (volume 1), but the second is about to go into a second edition, with an extended Afterword on the threats to the rule of law in Scotland today (bigger than you might imagine, and part of a global trend).

What I have been doing is writing brief, user-friendly reviews of books I have been reading, but only those which I would RECOMMEND to others.

You can see all of them to date on this website:  https://www.moffatrussianconferences.com/ian-mitchell-s-russia 

Other websites are starting to carry some of them too, for example: http://www.russiaknowledge.com/ (see "Books" tab)

Anyone else with a site which might like to utilise this content, please mail me with details.

In the meantime, here is one just to show you how they look. It is about the new book "Trotsky in New York". Enjoy!