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I also offer personally-tailored, individualized English conversation practice (including etiquette) and coaching in writing techniques. Finally, I edit texts such as magazines, business proposals, memorandums, emails so they are presented in English which does not embarrass you or your organization. For further details, please mail me at: language.etiquette@gmail.com

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24 November 2020

Important point about Law in Scotland today


You can buy the book at this link (on Kindle as well as in paperback): The Justice Factory: Can the Rule of Law Survive in 20th Century Scotland? (2020) on Amazon 

 you enjoy reading it! I certainly enjoyed writing it.

Ian Mitchell 

05 November 2020

Video about an Irish hero in the struggle for independence from Britain

The basis of this video is a book called "The Crime Against Ireland - and How the War may Right It". It was written by Sir Roger Casement and published in 1914. The story of his "treason" against Britain and the resulting trial in London (after he had arrived in Co. Kerry in a U-boat), just after the Easter Rising in 1916, is followed by readings from the book he published arguing that a German victory in the imminent war would be good for Ireland.

These readings cover his arguments
that Germany is the "champion of Europe"; that the Germans are more virtuous than the English; that the Irish are more moral than the English; and, curiously, that Irish morality consists in allying itself with a power which wants to use force to settle international disputes.
The film ends with a modern parliamentarian calling up the spirit of the War of Independence, but complaining that today the country's government is as restrictive as Hitler's. "But," he adds with passion, "we're supposed to be a demacrocity."

Watch at this link: 