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01 July 2024

The religious dimension of the climate crisis -"Green guilt" is a largely Protestant phenomenon


The climate crisis is a largely Protestant phenomenon. Most of the non-Protestant countries do not take it nearly as seriously as Calvinists like Patrick Harvie and Humza Yousaf. (Swinney seems to be in the Biden position, mentally.) It is dependent on induced guilt, which is the Protestant way of forcing bamboo up your fingernails if you won’t write a cheque to the woke aristocracy in order to expiate your guilt for having a nice time. This is the modern equivalent of selling indulgences, and equally corrupt..

All this is discussed in a review of new book about the reparations that are supposed to be due for Britain’s guilt over slavery. You can read it here: https://thinkscotland.org/2024/06/23195/

 Enjoy, and ponder….

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