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I also offer personally-tailored, individualized English conversation practice (including etiquette) and coaching in writing techniques. Finally, I edit texts such as magazines, business proposals, memorandums, emails so they are presented in English which does not embarrass you or your organization. For further details, please mail me at: language.etiquette@gmail.com

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11 December 2023

Scotland's current attempt to destroy the rule of law - a warning to all petty states and pushy princelettes


The Scottish government’s attempt to undermine judicial independence, and thereby abolish the rule of law, is deeply concerning – apparently to the judiciary too, and they should know!


We are heading for an Orban-style state in which pointless triumphalism, unfounded victimism and endless scams to “disappear” taxpayers’ cash is a substitute for good government.


Yousaf should mind his step or there’ll be tears before bedtime, as described here: https://thinkscotland.org/2023/12/learning-at-the-feet-of-erdogan-and-putin-humzas-abolition-of-judicial-independence/


Enjoy – but ponder too!